With the continuous evolution of wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT) various aspects of life will benefit. IoT based pervasive healthcare system has potential to provide error free medical data and alerting system in critical conditions with continuous monitoring. The system will minimize the need of dedicated medical personnel for patient monitoring and help the patients to lead a normal life besides providing them with high quality medical service.

The remote patient monitoring can bring a new dimension to medical practice. The convergence of healthcare and IoT can give real-time information of patient’s health and a deeper understanding of patient’s behavior, both being the key factors in helping to manage the chronic conditions. Remote patient monitoring is a technology to enable monitoring of patients outside of conventional clinical settings, which may increase access to care and decrease healthcare delivery costs. Key features of remote monitoring and trend analysis of physiological parameters enable early detection of deterioration; thereby, reducing number of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and duration of hospital stays.

The core idea behind this project has been to come up with an efficient hardware platform and wireless network architecture in order to remotely monitor patient, for various medical data including heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, body temperature, measuring of oxygen concentration in blood, Electrocardiography (recording of electrical activity of the heart), Electromyography (recording of electrical activity produced by muscles), Electrooculography (recording of corneo-retinal potential) and Electroencephalography (recording of electrical activity of brain and neurons).

Research Partners:
Department of Information Technology, University of Turku, Finland (IT-UTU)
iPack VINN Excellence Center, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (iPack-KTH)
Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, Finland (NS-UTU)
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Turku, Finland
Division of Perioperative Services, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Management, Turku University Hospital, Finland (TOTEK-UTU)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland